I provide private psychotherapy to adults in Austin, TX.



I view therapy as a collaborative process, where you and I work together to define your treatment goals and explore the issues you identify that are of concern to you. I work hard to create a safe, supportive environment where you can share your experience, elicit feedback, and work towards change.  Some of the elements of my treatment approach include:

  • Developing a strong therapeutic relationship with clients so that they can feel safe exploring personal issues that may be difficult for them to discuss.
  • Assisting clients in gaining a deeper understanding of themselves, which can help facilitate more satisfying interpersonal relationships.
  • Assisting clients in identifying personal and emotional resources that currently exist in their lives that are helpful to the changes they are wanting to make.
  • Assisting clients in identifying specific and concrete changes that can address their issues of concern.


Treatment Areas

I work closely with my clients to assist them in addressing issues that may be interfering with daily quality of life, such as:

  • Depression (e.g. withdrawal, lack of enjoyment, pervasive sadness, mood swings)
  • Anxiety (e.g. stress, insomnia, nervousness, preoccupations, panic attacks)
  • Romantic Relationship Concerns (e.g. trust issues, commitment difficulties, sexual difficulties, communication problems, financial stress, unhealthy boundaries, divorce/break-ups)
  • Social Relationship Concerns (e.g. social anxiety, loneliness, difficulty making friends, conflicts with friends)
  • Career or School Challenges (e.g. procrastination, motivation problems, perfectionism, difficulty with colleagues, boss, or professors, time management)
  • Personal Growth Obstacles (e.g. resolving childhood issues, increasing self-awareness, improving self-esteem, developing assertiveness, setting limits)
  • Parenting & Motherhood Stress (e.g. post-partum depression, new parent stress, relationship changes/adjustments, negotiating limits, discipline)